After Madrid we flew to Rome for three days in one of the most incredible places I’ve ever been. It was amazing to walk through the thoroughly modern city and suddenly come across a 2,000 year old monument. It was so interesting how everyday life goes on around these famous landmarks.
This is the Arch of Constantine, the famous triumphal arch erected in 312 AD after the Roman victory over Maxentius.
Here we are at the Trevi Fountain, the largest Baroque fountain in the city and one of the most famous in the world.
I was surprised by the number of cool markets and street vendors in Rome, that’s something I normally associate with Florence or Spain.
This double spiral staircase was just one of the many interesting facets of architecture in Vatican City.
This was taken in the Pantheon, a famous Roman temple that was converted for Christian use in the 7th century.
And, of course, the Sistine Chapel. We were so fortunate, we were the last group to get into the chapel before it closed for the 2013 papal conclave. I’m so happy we saw it. Michelangelo’s masterpiece is truly incredible.
Stay tuned for pictures of the Colosseum in my next post!
Photos by Jamie Kaplan.
Lovely photographs!! Thanks for sharing.
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