One of the biggest adjustments to college is living away from home. I miss my family but I absolutely love living on my own. Even though living in a dorm isn’t exactly living by myself I still love the freedom. These are some snippets from my home at Emerson.
My planner basically contains my entire life. If I don’t write it down I won’t remember it so my planner is always overflowing with things I need to make note of.
My teddy bear, Oliver. As you can see he’s rocking the overalls. My friends made me Oliver for one of my birthdays and I think he brings a little whimsy to my room.
Somehow I ended up getting 20 textbooks as opposed to the usual 5. I’m not complaining! I’ll take Shakespeare over a textbook any day.
An adorable post-it from my roommate Gina. She’s so sweet, she’s always leaving me cute notes.