For those of you that don’t know, my mom is from San Martin, Argentina. Growing up I didn’t connect much with my Latina side because I present as white and we lived in New Hampshire so there wasn’t much diversity to relate to. Now I’m beginning to explore my Latina heritage much more.
I wanted to create a look that I felt embodied the Latina spirit. I ended up with this flamenco-style cropped top and some tight high waisted jeans, and heels, of course. Ironically, my mom had done a photoshoot with her friends in an almost identical outfit when she was younger. Guess I got the look right!
My dad’s family is white, WASP white, so the two sides of my family are polar opposites. I feel like I’ve gotten the best of both worlds through that combination. I have my mom’s fire, creativity, and killer fashion sense, and my dad’s intellectualism, discipline, and calm in a crisis.
Though the world interacts with me as a white woman because of the way I look, I feel lucky to have had another perspective. Especially in these times, it never hurts to see the other side of things.
Shirt: vintage from Iceland, Jeans: Urban Outfitters, Shoes: Shoedazzle
Photos by Rebecca Gatto Photography.