After months of observing them online I finally took the leap and bought a belt bag. With my trip to Venice on the horizon it just felt like too good of an opportunity to pass up.
For those of you who are out of know, a belt bag is basically like the classy older sister of a fanny pack. Now let me be clear, belt bags and fanny packs are not the same thing. Fanny packs are also back and I still do not approve of slinging a nylon sack across your ass. Belt bags are like clutch purses that you wear at the waist, as shown.
What I love about this one in particular is that you can wear it like this or you can detach it and wear it as a clutch. It also came with a thin metal, removable strap so you can wear it as a crossbody. That means I get 3 bags and a belt in one item. For travel that kind of versatility is just practical. Plus it’s pretty hard to steal, another bonus abroad.
I got this one at TJ Maxx and it’s big enough to hold cards, cash, and ID, my phone, and the tiny notebook and pen I can’t go anywhere without. Even then there’s some room for other necessities. After carrying a large bag and tripod all day, it was amazing to go hands free at night with this.
What do you think, would you wear one?