Whenever I travel I try to find books that are about the place I’m going or by authors from that area. For Venice I packed Suite Vénitienne by Sophie Calle and while in Italy I picked up Venice is a Fish by Tiziano Scarpa.
Suite Vénitienne by artist Sophie Calle is about her pursuit of a man from Paris to Venice. She meets a man at a party in France and overhears that he’s traveling to Venice the next day. She follows him there and spends a few weeks stalking him in the city. The text is accompanied by photos she took during the experience. It’s just the right amount of eerie and artsy and matches the mysterious vibe of the city.
The friend I was staying with in Venice recommended Venice is a Fish to me. Written by a Venetian it provides cultural and historical context for the city. Each chapter is dedicated to a different sense and how you can use it to experience this island paradise. It’s beautifully written, informative, and really causes you to stop and take in your environment. In today’s technological world that’s extremely valuable.
What books do you pack when you travel?