The Boston Public Library facilities are still closed to the public, but the collection is back in rotation with their BPL To-Go program. It’s basically takeout books and it’s so nice to have a wider array of options. I don’t know what psychological phenomenon it is that makes us bored with the unread books on our shelves, but it’s a very real feeling. Here’s how the system works:
Place a Book on Hold
Find a book that you’re interested in and put it on hold either on the BPL website, by phone, or on the new BPL To-Go app. Keep in mind, holds are taking a bit longer to fulfill because of the reduced staff and hygiene practices in place. You may wait a week or two for your book, but it will be worth it!
Pick It Up
The BPL will e-mail you when your book is ready for pickup. If you’re picking up from one of the branches it will specify a time for you to come by. If you’re picking up from the Central library you can come during an allotted set of hours, usually 11am-6pm, but check the website before you go.
When you arrive you’ll have your temperature scanned and then you can enter the library (restricted to just a pickup line), scan your library card, and receive your book.
Health & Safety Practices
In between readers the books are quarantines for 96 hours before they’re handled again. At pickup you don’t touch anything except your book and the library workers are behind plastic guards. There’s hand sanitizer on site and your temperature is taken at the door. It’s a very easy and safe process!
Now the hardest part is figuring out what to read! Check out my Reading List series for inspiration.