From left to right: 1) My first museum visit in four months. I may have cried. 2) Preview of my trip to the Finger Lakes. 3) Another beautiful museum installation. 4) Sunrise strolls. 5) A historic castle in 1000 Islands. 6) Reading the local news.
Online Art I’ve Been Loving
With the art world still suffering under COVID-19 I haven’t been able to get my usual hourly art fix at the museums, galleries, theaters, and public spaces around Boston. But it’s not all bad. A lot of organizations are turning to the internet and while it’s not the same, it helps. Here are some of…Read More
Summer Bucket List
This summer is a little different, okay a lot different, than usual. But I’m trying to make the best of it by taking advantage of opportunities in nature and social-distanced settings. Here are a few things I’m excited to check off the list this summer. Picnic, Picnic, Picnic I’ve always been a big picnic advocate…Read More
Stormy Weather
I had huge plans for a sunrise shoot on the beach yesterday (and my poor mother got up at 4:30am to help me) but unfortunately nature had other ideas. It was foggy and humid and dreary all morning. Luckily I was able to turn lemons into lemonade and take a few moody photos in this…Read More
Sunday Snapshots
From left to right: 1) Found this adorable heart strawberry in the batch. 2) Currently reading about the realities of life for Victorian women. 3) Watermelon mojito. 4) Public art in my neighborhood. 5) Fabric for my latest project. 6) An old favorite.
Thank You, Fenway
During the COVID-19 distancing most of us have been sticking to our immediate neighborhoods for safe walks and outdoor hangouts. Luckily, I live in the Fenway neighborhood of Boston which is about as ideal for a pandemic quarantine as you can get. Here are a few of the neighborhood spots I’ve been taking advantage of…Read More